Field descriptions for files: "bacteria_traits.csv", "bacteria_geo_records.csv" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For "_traits.csv" SPECIES SCIENTIFIC NAME: Species scientific name STATUS:Status of the species, A for Alien, C for Cryptogenic, DD for Data Deficient 10 ORIGIN: Origin of the terrestrial/freshwater/marine species (country or region). (see Supplementary Information) YEAR OF FIRST INTRODUCTION IN EUROPE: Must contain a numeric value (e.g. 2020). For BC dates a minus must be used (e.g. -1500). It is the year of first observation of an alien species in Europe. It is used as the best available estimate of the year of its initial introduction when the latter could not be determined with certainty, based on a thorough review of the scientific and grey literature. COUNTRY OF FIRST INTRODUCTION IN EUROPE: ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code ( of European or neighboring Country of first introduction (e.g. IT for Italy) including the outermost regions (see Supplementary Information) REFERENCE: reference to the publication for the first introduction of the species NOTES: note about the species introduction TERRESTRIAL: Value 1 if the species is terrestrial. FRESHWATER: Value 1 if the species is freshwater. MARINE: Value 1 if the species is marine. OLIGOHALINE: Value 1 if the species is estuarine. PARASITE: Value 1 if the species is parasite KINGDOM: Taxonomic kingdom of the species PHYLUM: Taxonomic phylum of the species CLASS: Taxonomic class of the species GENOME: Genome composition (optional) ORDER: Taxonomic order of the species FAMILY: Taxonomic family of the species GENUS: Taxonomic genus of the species REFERENCE: reference to the nomenclature used (e.g. ITIS, EPPO) PARTLY NATIVE: Value 1 if the species is partly native in Europe. COUNTRY / Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) REGION: Value 1 if the species is partly native in such Country or MSFD Region. CBD 2014 PATHWAYS: Value P_HIGH: primary pathway of introduction with high level of uncertainty. Value P_MEDIUM: primary pathway of introduction with medium level of uncertainty. Value P_LOW: primary pathway of introduction with low level of uncertainty. Value P: primary pathway of introduction with unknown level of uncertainty. Value S: secondary pathway of introduction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For "_geo_records.csv" SPECIES SCIENTIFIC NAME: Species scientific name COUNTRY: ISO 3166 standard for occurrences at country scale YEAR: Year of the observation of the species REFERENCE: reference to the publication for the species observation