The European Settlement Map (ESM_BUILT_VHR2015_EUROPE_R2019_3035_02_V1_0) is the latest release of the European Settlement Map (ESM) produced in the frame of the GHSL project. The ESM product exploits the Copernicus VHR_IMAGE_2015 dataset made of satellite images Pleaiades, Deimos-02, WorldView-2, WorldView-3, GeoEye-01 and Spot 6/7 ranging from 2014 to 2016. ESM_BUILT_VHR2015CLASS_EUROPE_R2019_3035_10: classifies the built-up areas into residential and non-residential at a spatial resolution of 10 meters (EPSG:3035) ESM_BUILT_VHR2015_EUROPE_R2019_3035_02: classifies the built-up areas at a spatial resolution of 2 meters (EPSG:3035) ESM_BUILT_VHR2015CLASS_EUROPE_R2019_3035_10 Classes: No Data (code 0) Land (code 1) Non-Residential built-up area (code 250) Residential built-up area (code 255) Spatial resolution: 10 Meters ESM_BUILT_VHR2015_EUROPE_R2019_3035_02 Classes: No Data (code 0) Land (code 1) Water (code 2) Built-up area (code 255) Spatial resolution: 2 Meters Bounding Box: Lower Left ( 844000.000, 842000.000) ( 24d 9'24.07"W, 23d34'49.93"N) Upper Right ( 7344000.000, 5442000.000) ( 71d27' 9.03"E, 59d 3'13.24"N) Center ( 4094000.000, 3142000.000) ( 6d44'27.38"E, 51d20'35.91"N) Coverage: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom Coordinate Reference System: EPSG:3035 (ETRS89, LAEA) Temporal extent: 2014-2016 Contact: