nb news articles : 246266 nb languages : 70 nb entities (per, org, loc, date, others): 3403974 nb mentioned dates : 719893 nb quotes : 37289 10 most frequent languages en (64911) es (25897) zh (19289) ru (19133) de (18021) it (13258) fr (12603) ar (12251) el (11699) pt (11002) 10 most frequent categories CoronavirusInfection (246266) MedicalAlertPrivateAll (243298) MedicalAlertPublicAll (243247) GHSAGear (241937) PriorityDiseasesISS (241759) China (201417) ContaminationList (132702) OutBreaks (129870) MedicalAlertPrivate (85097) MedicalAlertPublic (84936) 10 most frequent person_names Tedros adhanom (7803) Xi jinping (7794) Donald trump (4175) Agnes buzyn (3761) Li keqiang (2055) Carrie lam (1733) Zhou xianwang (1586) Jens spahn (1552) Jerome powell (1470) Giuseppe conte (1445) 10 most frequent org_names Reuters (15785) The world health organization (12932) Afp (12498) Twitter (7919) National health commission (7139) ComisiĆ³n nacional (2939) The world (2741) Efe (2712) Cnn (2564) Ministerio de salud (2324) 10 most frequent loc_names China (330241) Wuhan:wuhan shi:hubei sheng:china (64670) US (54265) Japan (52042) Beijing:yuncheng shi:shanxi sheng:china (41497) Thailand (39984) Hong kong (34746) France (32026) South korea (29688) Australia (26386) emotion frequency anger (62767) surprise (59929) fear (34826) disgust (27700) joy (24623) sad (21119) sentiment frequency neutral (110858) negative (83759) positive (36347)