nb news articles : 1134523 nb languages : 76 nb entities (per, org, loc, date, others): 13762652 nb mentioned dates : 4370243 nb quotes : 205529 10 most frequent languages en (328717) es (169931) it (108936) ru (66285) fr (65255) ar (61846) pt (56241) de (43908) ro (27170) el (24609) 10 most frequent categories CoronavirusInfection (1134523) MedicalAlertPrivateAll (1133730) MedicalAlertPublicAll (1133727) GHSAGear (1133361) PriorityDiseasesISS (1133360) ContaminationList (546662) OutBreaks (425351) chemicals_exposure (273416) CG_PC_All (254563) CG_PC_Airborne (254563) 10 most frequent person_names Donald trump (55267) Boris johnson (24530) Andrew cuomo (13315) Vladimir putin (11929) Pedro sanchez (7827) Angela merkel (7689) Dominic raab (7626) Anthony fauci (7507) Matt hancock (7459) Jair bolsonaro (7428) 10 most frequent org_names Twitter (52356) Reuters (34382) Afp (28423) Cnn (10856) Efe (9177) The world health organization (8802) Ministerio de salud (8014) Ministerio de sanidad (6784) Ministério da saúde (6364) Department of health (5548) 10 most frequent loc_names China (223051) US (128873) Italy (107530) Spain (79658) UK (62130) Germany (59325) France (58648) Russia (46769) India (44447) New York (39852) emotion frequency anger (289918) surprise (236453) fear (170044) sad (129151) disgust (121326) joy (101170) sentiment frequency negative (423795) neutral (404730) positive (219537)