Dates: 30.09.2020 General description: This campaign was conducted in the territory of JRC Ispra, Italy and involves a day of car-following testing either with two or three vehicles in car-platoon formation. The vehicles used were of different brands and models. During the experiment, the follower vehicles were driving with ACC on apart from cases where the drivers needed to manually brake. Total number of vehicles: 3 (each trip involved 2 or 3 vehicles in the platoon) Equipment: Ublox 9 and OBD. Data processing: Very noise parts were removed from the dataseries. Cubic splines interpolation was implemented to achieve 10 Hz frequency (We interpolated the data to fill gaps up to 1 second long). Data are not filtered. Columns description: Time: Common time frame for all vehicles (s) Speed: Raw Speed (Doppler) (m/s) Lat: Latitude (rad) Lon: Longitude (rad) Alt: Altitude (m) E: East (x) coordinate in the local ENU plane (common center for all vehicles) (m) N: North (y) coordinate in the local ENU plane (common center for all vehicles) (m) U: Up (z) coordinate in the local ENU plane (common center for all vehicles) (m) IVS: Inter Vehicle Spacing computed from raw GNSS data after bumper to bumper correction (m) Driver: The driver of the vehicle: “Human” for manual driving, “ACC” for ACC driving as measured from OBD Csv files: files are separated in parts depending on the desired speed and timegap setting. Csv Metadata information: Metadata that are trip-experiment specific are saved as header (comma seperated) (5 rows) in the csv file in this example form: Date,DD,MM,YYYY Vehicle_order,veh1,veh2,etc Number_of_vehicles,5 ACC,1 Distance_setting,shortest Comments: -ACC (option in the Metadata information): 0 when the whole experiment is conducted in manually driving conditions, 1 when the whole experiment is conducted with ACC, 2 in mixed driving conditions. If ACC is left blanck, it means that there was not "Driver" information for none of the following vehicles. -Distance_setting: Distance setting was either the shortest or the second shortest (meaning longer than the shortest but not the longest possible). -In some cases, for some vehicles the measurement was recorded with a different protocol, so the following information, Alt and U column are not included (since it was not available in that protocol). -The column Driver is only included if the respective information was recorded and therefore acquired from the OBD measurement. In some cases this column is missing for some drivers. -There are missing values in several files, for several drivers in different time periods. This is due to data acquisition issues.